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    So if I'm understanding you correctly, the directory /vqmod/xml/ isn't used by arastta at all? I'm pretty sure that's not the case unless this has been modified in a recent update...

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    Haven't tried this, but wouldn't it conflict with the /vqmod/xml/ directory used by the OCMod stuff? Essentially doubling the mods applied...

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    I can see where you're coming from to a point Denis, but using a hacked up OCMod/VQMod frankenstein is like taking say the code from phpmailer and forcing it through opencarts standard code to work. It's just my opinion, but I really don't see the po...

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    The "VQMod" you have is a bit of a hack to be honest to get it to work with the modification system. It's pointless and won't work with future upgrades of VQMod. Therefore you're boxing in users to the version that is currently available. Why it can'...

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    Jay Gilford joined the group Arasttians
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    The vote was written about Market place improvements
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    The comment was written about Market place improvements
    Sorry about the formatting - it appears the ideas section doesn't keep the simple new lines added :-(
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    Denis Duliçi is now friends with Jay Gilford
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    The vote was written about Form Builder for developers
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