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Why Arastta for Designers?

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Arastta is an ideal choice for end-users, designers, developers and storeowners. Today I would like to write about "why designers choose Arastta"? Of course I am not able to provide every detail here, since Arastta is an ideal choice as a whole project for every need but here is the best parts from designer's point of view:

Market Place & Appstore

If you are a talented and confident designer, why not to earn money from your skills? Or if you are looking for a great design which meets with your or your customers' needs, why would you search on the net for hours?

Arastta's Solution:

In both cases Arastta provides a Marketplace where talented designers can share or sell their themes with all other users. Or if you are a designer who looks for a base template to customise and use on your project Marketplace is the one place you need.

The best part user and customers do not need to leave their Arastta's admin panel to browser, search and even purchase items from the marketplace. They can do all these actions (browse, search, install, purchase) within the same place without leaving somewhere else.

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Theme Customizer

Every content management system and/or eCommerce system comes with at least one default theme (design). If this theme meets with your or your customers needs you can keep using it. But at least you need to change your template's color according to your customer's corporate ID or logo, you need to go to CSS files of the default template and change each line one by one.

What if changing colors is not enough? For example you may need to change border-radius values, font sizes, font colors, background colors etc? Then your work load increases 2 times.

That's not all! What if a new version is released? What if you update your site or CMS before backing up your customisations? That's really a big problem for you and for your customers project.

Arastta's Solution:

The solution is easy with Arastta. You can use Theme Customizer feature and prevent all the problems mentioned above easily. Because you don't need to write even one line of code to change your template's basic and some of the advanced customisations like: font size, primary color, button colors, border radius value, background colors of different parts, title colors and much more...

Using Theme Customizer's best part is overriding the original files! So you don't loose your customisations after updates since Theme Customiser creates its own override CSS file. Another advantage of this feature, override file doesn't include all stylings and codes, it includes only the overriden CSS codes.

So thanks to Theme Customizer feature you can create a completely different theme without coding one line of CSS and without the risk of loosing it after updates.

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Layout Manager

After deciding and creating a design for your template, the most important part of the site is placing modules on your design and their locations. If your admin panel doesn't provide you a good user interface (UI) to manage all these process, it becomes a night-mare for the designer. For example on Open Cart it's a real nightmare to manage your layouts and placing module into them. You need to navigate different pages and click million times to publish a module on a layout position. But since there are lots of steps and procedures to publish a module, you may forget one step and then tear your hairs to detect where you have failed.

Arastta's Solution:

That's not the case for Arastta. Thanks to Layout Manager feature you can easily create your modules, place them on any position, publish and change your module's configurations and settings without leaving the same page. The best part you can manage all your modules with just drag & drop actions. It's easy peasy!

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Bootstrap Framework & Responsive Design

I think there is no need to talk about the importance of the responsive design. Because it's now obvious that if your website has not a responsive design, that means you loose most of your daily visitors day by day. You can read an article from 2014 about why mobile now exceeds PCs. Especially if you own an eCommerce project, then it would be shooting yourself in the foot to not have a responsive design.

Arastta's Solution:

Arastta is fully responsive for both front-end and back-end. Thus your customers won't have problem while browsing and shopping through your store and you won't loose customers.

Also we prefered market-leading CSS framework Bootstrap framework, so as a designer you can create your own templates or modify the core one easily.

Multiple Theme per Store

Sometimes, especially when you have multiple stores and lots of product categories from different types, you may want to use different themes per store. For example let's say you have a clothes store and you sell clothes for women, men and children. You want to assign different themes for each store (women, men, children) with different styling and colors.

Arastta's Solution:

Just navigate to System > Settings page and assign your default template (store wide). Then navigate to System > Store and assign different themes for each of your store.

Clean & Flat Default Theme

Except some of the most popular CMSs, most of the systems come with an ugly default theme. So you have to search for other themes and designs. Moreover you have to search for a paid (premium) themes to start your new project.

Arastta's Solution:

Arastta comes with a flat, modern and clean default theme. Thus you can use it for your store or keep it as a base theme and apply your customisations on it. As we mentioned above it's very easy to apply your customisations on a current theme with Theme Customizer feature.

We can add new items to this list but don't expect us to do so. Just visit Arastta's download page and get your hands dirty. Start using it and you will see that as a designer Arastta is your ideal choice to start your next eCommerce project!

Opensource addict and supporter, Arastta Co-founder, Optimum Theme. Married and father of Firuze Meryem.


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