Getting Started: App Store
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App Store : A simple way to get everything about Arastta at one place. As you definitely know from other (Apple, Google) stores, an App Store (or Marketplace) is a digital distribution platform for purchasing and installing software applications. When we decided fork OpenCart, our purpose was not make "just another OpenCart" but to create a platform that ease the life of web site builders. We got inspired by the motto: Convenience is King!
Getting extensions, themes, translations and a lot more has never been so easier. All you have to do is to click on install button to get addons (extensions, themes, translations) installed on your site.
All of your needs are just one-click away. You can purchase addons within one-click, install addons within one-click and so on update them within just one-click. Isn't that easy? You can browse through markets, filter by category and search for addons instantly. The marketplace included into Arastta software gets all of the data dynamically from web site.
API Keys
That is maybe the best part of our marketplace. You have one master API key and unlimited slave API keys. API keys are used when you try to access the Marketplace from inside Arastta software. You can restrict slave keys per domain, time and products. Lets say your client didn't renew the contract, you can freely delete that slave key and inhibit your client to install the addons assigned to that key. Domain assignment prevents keys to be copied and used on other domains by your clients.
Also, accounts under are synced with so you don't have to register double.
Uninstall Addons
This may sound as an absurd feature to Joomla and/or WordPress users but with Arastta, you're able to uninstall your addons. With uninstall, I mean the real mean of uninstall, remove, not the nonsense "disable" mean used by OpenCart's developer. Within OpenCart, you can't uninstall/remove any installed addon (extension,theme). You should delete the addon's files one by one via FTP. Thanks to Arastta, such an action is just one-click away.
Qualified Addons
The biggest problem with OpenCart extensions/themes is the very very low quality of maybe most of the extensions. Here at Arastta, addons get reviewed prior to get published. This helps both customers and qualified developers. We want the addons to be written according to the Arastta standards, not rocket-science.
Version Control
Another must but missing part of the OpenCart's extension directory is the version control. There is no way to know the latest version of any extension and so on update it. Most of extensions get updated just to show in the first page as the OpenCart's directory lists extensions by update date.
Free Translations
The translations of Arastta are totally free, the Marketplace won't accept any paid translation as we believe that this is a feature we must offer for free to the Arasttians (Arastta users).
Arastta Marketplace is not only for addons but also services. That part is currently under construction but when available, it will include marvellous services such as commercial jobs to get ordered from inside the store and get served from there. Resources, Sponsors, Hosting and Showcase will serve as plain directories where Arasttians could show theirselves.
Everything GPL
Here at Arastta, we strongly believe on the freedom of GPL and love it GPL. If you've purchased any extension from you must have seen this ugly statement in the agreement: "Use it for one website ONLY (sub-domains act as separate website), unless stated by the original developer". Yes, we're talking about a software that claims to be GPL! Adding such a restriction is not but forcing OpenCart users to pay more commission to Daniel Kerr, OpenCart's developer.
Subscription System
On Arastta Marketplace, addons are sold for a fixed period, 12 months, but with 3 support options. The user can select the number of site he/she will be able to ask for support, based on that order. The options will be for 1, 5 and unlimited sites. Lets say developer set as $20 the price of the addon, that is the price for 1 support site. For 5 support sites, the price will x2 = $40 and for unlimited support sites x3 = $60. Carefully, the addon can be used/installed on unlimited site, without any restriction. We're talking about the number of sites that the developer will have to provide support for.
Support System
Support is as much important as development for a software. Another shortage of is that developers don't have a place to offer customer support, except the comment system! Arastta Marketplace offers a ticket system where customers can directly ask questions to the respective addon developer. Such a system does also prevent both customers and developers to be mistreated and so on increase the satisfaction of both sides as issues can be monitored.
The commision rate of the Marketplace is based on the market. The rate for extensions and themes is 30% of each sale. The commission will be different for other markets as they don't have sales.
10% for 3 months
We do have a campaign for developers registered and added one addon within the first month (until 2015-06-18). The commission rate will be 10% for 3 months. Join right now and don't miss the low commision rate.
OpenCart extensions/themes
While making Arastta, we've tried our best to keep the compatibility with OpenCart extensions and themes. However, we had to break some parts in order to offer the best with Arastta. Here you can find the list of compatible and not compatible parts.
Arastta Marketplace is built on Arastta software.
Arastta is totally FREE.. Try it right now..