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Special Commission Offer for Developers

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When we started to develop Arastta we aim to ease, liberate and make accessible eCommerce for everybody. To achieve this we need to grow our users, developers and supporters all over the world because Arastta is a community-driven project. More people get involved in this project, more Arastta project becomes for everybody.

So we know the importance of developers and contributors for an open-source project. And we want to make an unbeatable offer for all eCommerce developers who would like to take part in Arastta world.

Take 85% of your sell instead of 70%

If you already developed extensions for OpenCart and sold them more than 500 times, join among our sellers (vendors) in Arastta Marketplace between 17th June and 18th July and get your 85% for each sell during 1 year. You have nothing to loose, it's very easy to turn your current OpenCart extension into an Arastta extension. You can see our OpenCart compatibility list for more information.

If you are met with the above requirement and decide to have this opportunity please register our marketplace as vendor and then contact us via [email protected] mail address.

Earn More When You Sell More

The success must be rewarded. So we offer 80% of each sell if a developer reach 20.000$ treshold on our marketplace. Please note that it's enough to reach 20.000$ amount once, then you will get 80% of the earning forever.

Standard Fee

If you are a developer who doesn't meet with the above requirements, do not worry. We still apply the best fee rate on the market, whenever you sell an item on our app store you will get 70% of your each sell.

Opensource addict and supporter, Arastta Co-founder, Optimum Theme. Married and father of Firuze Meryem.


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Guest Friday, 07 March 2025