I have had TONS OF ISSUES with this cart. Yes, it has nice features but where are they? I looked up a manual for Reward Points and my Product Edit looks NOTHING LIKE the photo shown. I cannot add Reward Points. Attached is what I see in Edit Product. Please help me before I totally uninstall this. Half the extensions won't work and NO ONE REPLIES to support tickets. I am extremely frustrated with this. I am having tons of issues with it.
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Accepted Answer
No need to scream, please take a look at the forum rules. Using all uppercase doesn't help, it's just annoying, even if you have issues and is frustrated. You would not scream to people you don't know elsewhere (at least I hope so). And once again, please skip the bold text everywhere, it sucks reading - it's doesn't make it clearer or give you more help.
Now for your problem. The first time you logged into your admin, you got a "balloon" up in right corner, telling you that you can switch between Basic and Advanced admin mode. That switch is still there, and you need to use it to get advanced features and tabs. It's number three from right - https://arastta.org/docs/user-manual/admin-panel
I can see and understand your frustrated, but you really also need to pay attention to the info given, and not to mention - take some time to read documentation and make yourself familiar with the system. But still, if you can nothing about code and systems like this from before, and don't have patience for learning it - it might be better to choose something else yes. Honestly, some of the issues is coming from yourself it seems.
For extensions and support, ensure you select the right department, and if there is extension developers not responding within 3-7 days you better report them using the contact form ( https://extensions.arastta.pro/information/contact ) or by sending a message to project owner Denis Dulici ( https://arastta.org/denisdulici ).
Anyhow, remember it's summer and holidays in quite many countries these days, so have patience.
Now for your problem. The first time you logged into your admin, you got a "balloon" up in right corner, telling you that you can switch between Basic and Advanced admin mode. That switch is still there, and you need to use it to get advanced features and tabs. It's number three from right - https://arastta.org/docs/user-manual/admin-panel
I can see and understand your frustrated, but you really also need to pay attention to the info given, and not to mention - take some time to read documentation and make yourself familiar with the system. But still, if you can nothing about code and systems like this from before, and don't have patience for learning it - it might be better to choose something else yes. Honestly, some of the issues is coming from yourself it seems.
For extensions and support, ensure you select the right department, and if there is extension developers not responding within 3-7 days you better report them using the contact form ( https://extensions.arastta.pro/information/contact ) or by sending a message to project owner Denis Dulici ( https://arastta.org/denisdulici ).
Anyhow, remember it's summer and holidays in quite many countries these days, so have patience.
Responses (2)
Accepted Answer
Could you pleas stop using bold text all over too? It sucks reading (disturbing to the eyes).
I don't use any of those modules, and have no interest in them, unless anyone hires me to look at them - as they are not used in the Nordics. For the closing PHP tag etc., I responded to that in one of your other treads. Skipping the last closing PHP tags is often done on purpose, as it's optional to use it, and most of the time it's better to skip it to avoid issues (t.ex. having it, and then accidental add a empty line after it - http://www.php.net/basic-syntax.instruction-separation ).
For support yes, I understand, but after clicking that button you get a department select normally. -
Accepted Answer
I didn't mean to scream. Just very frustrated. I can't get several modules important to work like UPS, Stripe, Skrill and others I downloaded and installed. It seems PHP tags weren't closed on most but that still did not fix the issue. Back to topic, I did figure out how to view the Product Tabs and thanks for your help.
As far as Support for Modules, I am clicking the Support button right on the Module and submitting tickets and not getting responses.
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