Dear Arastta users,
It seems there is a misunderstanding about vQmod and Arastta.
Arastta supports both vQmod and OCmod in the core, nothing else required.
Moreover, you can install both vQmod and OCmod extensions from the Extension Installer and handle both of them from the Modifications page.
Enjoy Arastta
It seems there is a misunderstanding about vQmod and Arastta.
Arastta supports both vQmod and OCmod in the core, nothing else required.
Moreover, you can install both vQmod and OCmod extensions from the Extension Installer and handle both of them from the Modifications page.
Enjoy Arastta

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Responses (13)
Accepted Answer
Here you can find more details about the modification system -
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Accepted Answer
Since Arastta 1.0.8, the XML files won't be read twice if vQmod engine is installed:
So you're free to choose the native vQmod engine or the modification system of Arastta for vQmod extensions -
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Modification system has been refactored and will be available in 1.0.7 version of Arastta. It includes all vQmod + OCmod features under a single system. -
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Jay, while I definitely agree that your point valid for you as the developer of vQmod engine, I doubt it is for the people outside, us. The frankenstein example is not valid as Arastta does not firstly pass XML files to vQmod then to OCmod, it's OCmod is capable to read both directly.
In 1.0.7, we're also going to close the missing gaps of the current vQmod that we talked via email.
In short, Arastta ships with an improved OCmod that is capable to run both vQmod and OCmod extensions. -
Accepted Answer
I can see where you're coming from to a point Denis, but using a hacked up OCMod/VQMod frankenstein is like taking say the code from phpmailer and forcing it through opencarts standard code to work. It's just my opinion, but I really don't see the point personally. It's making unnecessary work for yourselves in the future and putting an unneeded restriction on users.
I'll give a simple version of why this is a pain for me in particular. As I develop VQMods engine, I cannot test out any new code or features on Arastta. It would have to be tested out on OpenCart only -
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The reason is pretty simple: We want to offer an easy to use system to users. Not 2 different hacking platforms with different caches, different executions, working methods etc. Also, you don't need to refresh the cache, Arastta does that itself after extension install.
Does that mean it's perfect? Definitely not and you're all welcome to contribute.
As for the future of vQmod, let's talk when it comes -
Accepted Answer
The "VQMod" you have is a bit of a hack to be honest to get it to work with the modification system. It's pointless and won't work with future upgrades of VQMod. Therefore you're boxing in users to the version that is currently available. Why it can't just work the way a standard OC2 install does with VQMod 2.5.X I really don't know. It makes no sense to me. Also, some of us prefer the way VQMod is made, not the OCMod version in the admin that needs you to refresh/clear caches to get it to work
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