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Migrate your Online Store (Cart) to Arastta

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We all know that choosing the right software and platform for a specific need is a very difficult task. You need to compare all options and alternatives available and at the end of day you have to make one choice.

We also know that it's not possible to choose the best option always, especially if you have a limited time, knowledge, budget to make a choice. Even if you choose the best option once, it's always possible to encounter with a better solution in the future. So it's very probable to change your choice.

Arastta is a good example for that because since we have released Arastta 1.0 stable version last year, there are lots of eCommerce users who contacted with us to migrate their current stores and cart softwares into Arastta. Till now we have released an OpenCart migration extension, but still there are problems like:

  • It's not possible to provide a migration extension which supports all platforms
  • OpenCart users who have 3rd party extensions, themes, modifications, customizations that are problematic for our standard migration extension
  • Migrating a store can be very time and money consuming
  • Migration process is risky, you have to be carful to not lose your sensitive data
  • During the migration you may counter with problems and expertise is needed to solve them
  • more...

So most of the users avoid migrating their stores even if they really want to migrate and not happy with their current cart solution. But fortunately there are people who can do it for you :)

We have teamed up with Cart2Cart, popular eCommerce and shopping cart migration service, to provide a hassle-free migration service for Arastta from other platforms for affordable prices. From now on you can use Cart2Cart to migrate your current store to Arastta with all its customers, orders, products and other important datas.

It's a risk-free process, your current store will be online and safe during the migration process and your new store will be launched when you are ready and feel OK. You just need to provide informations to Cart2Cart (how many customers, products, orders etc you have and what you want to migrate) and then grab your coffee and wait for the good news.

Tagged in: migration

Opensource addict and supporter, Arastta Co-founder, Optimum Theme. Married and father of Firuze Meryem.


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Guest Wednesday, 26 March 2025