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Arastta 1.3 Released

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It's always excited to meet with a new version of a software which brings lots of new features and improvements. And Arastta 1.3 [Kastamonu] version is one of them because it brings tons of new features, improvements, changes and bug fixes...

We can divide all updates into 3 main categories: eCommerce (store), Management (back-end) and System (infrastructure). You can find detailed information about what's new and improved below. But before that, I want to mention about this version's name, Kastamonu. Kastamonu is a city which is the homeland of our very own developer Cüneyt, who contributed a lot for Arastta 1.3 version. We also would like to thank everybody who involved in this release by contributing, reporting, testing, translating, suggesting features and ideas...

Now let's see what's new in Arastta 1.3:


These are the updates mostly related to front-end store and customers

  • Second Theme: A new core/default theme. We release a new core/default theme for Arastta every year on Spring season to celebrate Arastta's birthday. This year May is the first year of Arastta, so Second is the second default theme of Arastta ;)
  • Add to cart Popup: Display a popup with the product details after clicking Add to Cart button
  • Shopping Cart Module: Display a cart module on any layout position
  • Product Navigation: Display a previous and next links to navigate between products easily
  • Disable Functions: An extension which allows you to disable Compare, Wishlist, Affiliates and Reward Points features of Arastta (You need to install this free extension separately from Arastta Marketplace)
  • Unlimited Positions: Until now you had static module positions in the Arastta layout management. But from now on it's possible to add new module blocks to your theme. The Second Theme is the first theme which provides this feature built-in. There are top, bottom (bottom_a, bottom_b, bottom_c) positions. It's all up to designer/developer to add more positions.


These are the updates mostly related to store administration and site owners/managers

  • Two-factor Authentication: Security is a must for eCommerce sites. So we implemented two-factor authentication feature for the back-end. From now on you can enable two-factor authentication to login your Arastta store's backend. Currently, two services are supported: Google Authentication and YubiKey
  • User Options: Users can choose their own default template, editor, and language
  • Quick Bulk Action: Added quick status change in all list pages, so you can easily change status of the items
  • Adding Category/Manufacturer on the go: You don't have to navigate between Category/Manufacturer management and Product management pages anymore. Now you can easily add a new category or manufacturer for the product on the go during the product adding or editing process
  • Marketplace Registration in the Backend: Now you can register to Arastta Marketplace from your store's backend directly. No need to leave admin panel
  • Better Confirmation Popup for Deletion: Bootstrap modal style is added to Deletion action for the list items (products, categories, orders etc...)
  • Basic Mode Layout Improvements: Basic mode pages are re-factored. Right and/or left columns are added for some of the pages to organize panels better
  • Image Browser: An image browser feature added for the TinyMCE editor, so now it's easier to add and manage images to your contents
  • Left (Store) Menu Link: From now on you can re-open back-end's left menu by clicking on the Arastta icon which is located at the very top-left corner
  • Timezone Option: You can choose your desired timezone for your Arastta store


These are the updates mostly related to infrastructure of the Arastta system

  • PHP 7 Compatibility: Arastta is PHP 7 compatible now
  • Composer Dependency Update: We have updated Arastta's composer dependencies
  • Rename Some Functions: Rename functions of controller/extension/installer.php

How to update?

Updating your current Arastta store to the latest 1.3 version is very easy and it must be updated smoothly.

Please take full backup (database and files) of your Arastta store before updating it.

Then you can update it via Update center in admin panel. For more information refer to Update documentation.

After updating your Arastta to the latest version, please do not forget to clear your cache from System > Settings > Cache tab. Click on the Clear Cache button.
Tagged in: release

Opensource addict and supporter, Arastta Co-founder, Optimum Theme. Married and father of Firuze Meryem.


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Guest Thursday, 27 March 2025