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Introducing Arastta - Community Driven eCommerce

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Finally, the wait is over.. Today we are very proud to announce Arastta to the public! It's been 3 months since we started the development of Arastta in February 2015 and we are thrilled to share the first stable version of Arastta with everyone.

In fact, we worked over 3 years on Arastta, since our first eCommerce component for Joomla. Arastta itself included 950 commits, 3 redesigns, lots of code refactors and a good many of chocolate.

What is Arastta?

Arastta is the next generation of eCommerce software built with modern technologies such as Symfony, MVC, Doctrine (soon), Bootstrap, jQuery, Swift Mailer etc. It's totally FREE and Open Source.

Fork of OpenCart

Having its origins in OpenCart, Arastta is not "just another OpenCart" but a feature rich eCommerce software.
We have put our 7+ Joomla, 3+ OpenCart and 1+ WordPress years of development experience in Arastta, it is definitely beyond OpenCart. There are separate blog posts for the main features of Arastta which highlights main differences.

Community Driven

Arastta is not only an open source software but also an open and transparent community. The main fail of OpenCart was the way it was maintained, by a one-man band, ignoring the community for personal interests.
Here at Arastta, we value the community and share a common ethos that is Community Driven eCommerce. The start had to be in this way for the safety of the project. We look for real people who can meet and talk face to face, not just behind monitors or usernames/nicknames.


The development strategy of Arastta adopts a regular release schedule every 3-4 months with the features primarily driven by ideas voted on by our community. Let's make Arastta together, join our community today.

Start to create, manage and sell on your Arastta powered online store today with ease!

Denis Duliçi has not set their biography yet


  • Denis Duliçi
    Denis Duliçi Wednesday, 20 May 2015

    This looks incredibly impressive for a free product. I look forward to testing it out. Great work!

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  • Luis Mendez Alejo
    Luis Mendez Alejo Thursday, 21 May 2015


    I do not locate the Arastta technical requirements, ex:

    PHP 5.4 or later
    Apache XX
    MySQL or MySQLi (recomended)


  • Luis Mendez Alejo
    Luis Mendez Alejo Thursday, 21 May 2015


    I answer, sorry :P



  • Denis Duliçi
    Denis Duliçi Thursday, 18 June 2015

    I just tested it and it seems like a copy of opencart... I don't like it.

  • Enes Ertuğrul
    Enes Ertuğrul Friday, 19 June 2015

    Thank you for testing our software. As we stated everywhere, Arastta is forked from OpenCart, so it's natural that they have common parts.
    But Arastta has great and totally new features like: Theme Customiser, Menu Manager, One-click update, App Store, simplified checkout process, Layout Manager, Advanced SEO options, Safety improvements and much more... You can see whole list here:


  • Kerr
    Kerr Wednesday, 01 July 2015

    Awesome concept!

  • Denis Duliçi
    Denis Duliçi Wednesday, 19 August 2015

    Mavericks OS10.9.5 Problem with installation.
    Error: Could not write to config.php file. Please, check you have set the correct CHMOD permissions!
    I searched the downloaded folder but cannot find config.php ? do I need to create it first.

  • Denis Duliçi
    Denis Duliçi Wednesday, 19 August 2015

    The config.php is created automatically Andrew. Feel free to open a support topic on forums

  • Denis Duliçi
    Denis Duliçi Friday, 11 September 2015

    Have you any info on how this may affect those using joomla and wordpress versions?

  • Enes Ertuğrul
    Enes Ertuğrul Friday, 11 September 2015

    Hi David,
    Arastta is a standalone eCommerce system, it doesn't have Wordpress nor Joomla version. So you can download Arastta free, install it as a standalone eCommerce CMS.


  • Denis Duliçi
    Denis Duliçi Thursday, 24 December 2015

    good afternoon ,,,,
    i want to convert opencart version code to work with version
    please give a link to solve this problem

  • Enes Ertuğrul
    Enes Ertuğrul Friday, 25 December 2015

    If you want to upgrade your OpenCart 1.5.x site to Arastta, you need to upgrade OC 2.0.x version first, then you can migrate it to Arastta, please see Migration article for more information:


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Guest Friday, 07 March 2025