Just wondering why it is you've got the "vqmod" system supposedly but using the hideous modification system that OpenCart added in 2.0? This makes no sense to me. Why even bother calling it VQMod? It is not VQMod in any sense
Just wondering why it is you've got the "vqmod" system supposedly but using the hideous modification system that OpenCart added in 2.0? This makes no sense to me. Why even bother calling it VQMod? It is not VQMod in any sense
In Development
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Responses (8)
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Accepted Answer
No problem Denis, just little things I've noticed :-)
Kind regards
Jay -
Accepted Answer
That folder is for vQmod compatibility. As you said, not shown to the admin. In fact I'm after a more proper solution, may be implement vQmod and let that read OCmod instead of OCmod read vQmod but we hadn't that time to make it happen and used rph's extension.
Currently working on the email notification, strangely they're not being sentWill also check the subscription option.
Regards -
Accepted Answer
It's called VQMod in the software too. Maybe not to the admin user, but its littered through the code, the directory is /vqmod/xml and defines are DIR_VQMOD for example
On a side note, can you tell me why I don't get notification of your replies via e-mail? I've subscribed to the topic for instant notifications but am not receiving them despite getting all of the standard ones. And also is there a way to auto subscribe to topics as I had to do so manually
Kind regards
Jay -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Hi Dennis
I just find it pointless calling it VQMod when it really isn't. I see there are a couple of features of VQMod in there, but its nearly 100% OCMod code. I see in all the documentation that it's pointing to the old google code repo too for VQMod links, despite that being unused since last August. I guess I just feel its a little confusing for myself let alone newcomers to arastta that see a "VQMod" system that doesn't use VQMod, other than the folder structure for the xmls
Kind regards
Jay -
Accepted Answer
Hi Jay,
Glad to see you here.
In fact it's not vQmod but a modified OCmod with the removal of the stupidity to save XML content in database and added feature to read vQmod files. It's a complicated system trying to have both vQmod and OCmod compatibility. However, I agree that it may not work for vQmod in some cases so yes, there is room for improvement.
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