I'm actually not able to update Arastta to the latest version because it keeps coming back with "ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE" in Chrome. I have no idea why my Admin suite has always been so slow, but it is. It takes three to four minutes just to load the dang site! For my business this is unacceptable but because I have bought plugins, I'm now stuck in the system. How can I fix it, or am I SOL?
Site: https://shop.ohioiproject.co.uk
Site: https://shop.ohioiproject.co.uk
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Maybe my site is bad, but to everyone else, not a program designed to tell me what's wrong with my site and how to fix it (which is impossible since it's a Wordpress system, known for it's bad integrity). I respect, but at the same time disagree with your opinion, Rune. While I have no business telling you how to run your business, but your attitude is not fitting that of a businessman. I know many a Norwegian but I am sorry if I have upset or frustrated you in such a way to befit this anger from you. I thank you for your contributions to the community of Arastta and your plugins (as I have spent my money on a couple of them, some which I have deleted and not asked even for a penny in refund). At the end of the day it is about the community because together as a kommune of similarly minded people, we can come together on the Internet to build a better program so that no one has bugs and can easily look back at this or any of our posts and easily fix their issues. Again, I respect you as my elder and as a fellow businessman, however I do not agree with your attitude and your approach.
As to address your comment in regards to a custom install of the platform with no modifications, plugins, or using the Softaculous system, I'm afraid that it will not need to come to that right this moment. I have worked with my hosting team at Namecheap for an hour and they have solved the problem with a few clicks of a button. I understand that you people have lives and are very busy with them, however for the betterment of this kommune, community, and family I will document my findings down below.
Firstly, the best way to remove access times is by installing a CDN which I will be doing shortly after posting this post. Secondly, by enabling a feature called "gZip Compression" my sites now load 4x the original speed. Thirdly, by enabling a feature called "leverage-browser-caching" in the .htacess file, you can double that speed. So we are now up by 8x the original. Finally, by confirming that there isn't an issue with my hosting company's network (as their network is rated from 1k-10kMb/s in shared port speed).
Finally, I have determined from the console that there is a singular CSS file missing which may be another cause of the slowness. The clothy custom.css stylesheet seems to be missing.
Thank you for all of your "suggestions" and I'll be happy for any more knowledge that you can bestow upon me.
As to address your comment in regards to a custom install of the platform with no modifications, plugins, or using the Softaculous system, I'm afraid that it will not need to come to that right this moment. I have worked with my hosting team at Namecheap for an hour and they have solved the problem with a few clicks of a button. I understand that you people have lives and are very busy with them, however for the betterment of this kommune, community, and family I will document my findings down below.
Firstly, the best way to remove access times is by installing a CDN which I will be doing shortly after posting this post. Secondly, by enabling a feature called "gZip Compression" my sites now load 4x the original speed. Thirdly, by enabling a feature called "leverage-browser-caching" in the .htacess file, you can double that speed. So we are now up by 8x the original. Finally, by confirming that there isn't an issue with my hosting company's network (as their network is rated from 1k-10kMb/s in shared port speed).
Finally, I have determined from the console that there is a singular CSS file missing which may be another cause of the slowness. The clothy custom.css stylesheet seems to be missing.
Thank you for all of your "suggestions" and I'll be happy for any more knowledge that you can bestow upon me.
Responses (8)
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Accepted Answer
I have to agree with Rune here. Check out the following results:
Also, the server you're using seems to in US while you're in EU. That causes about 1-2 sec. delay for all systems. -
Accepted Answer
The speed on your main site is ridiculous bad: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=ohioiproject.co.uk
Don't make this a community thing, it's not normal the things you describe. It's your setup or hosting causing this, don't expect anyone to spend a lot of time on inspecting it for free (and no, I'm not interested in doing it anyway).
Test a fresh install of Arastta without any extensions and modifications, if it's slow to it's your hosting. If it's faster, it's your extensions/modifications.
And no, should be no difference on installing with Softaculous or manually, it's the same server and setup - unless your host has a fishy Softaculous setup. -
Accepted Answer
Denis Duliçi wrote:
Joseph, the only item that may cause problem here is suhosin but the would never slow down your site. From your sayings and the price of the hosting package, the issue seems to be with the port speed limit assigned to you. Can you ask your hosting company about that? Do you have any other system/CMS hosted there? If so how is the speed there?
I should be able to ask them about the port speed, but it may take a couple days, so I'm sorry for taking that time to help the community. I have tested everything from ZenCart, OpenCart, and osEcommerce to durpal, Magento, and WP. I currently have (including my Arastta system) 7 websites loaded into the shared host, however the only other one with issues is my Oxwall installation which is known to have issues when installing and upgrading from Softaculous. Could that be the issue? I installed Arastta through Softaculous instead of manually. I really don't want to have to re-do everything, so if that really is the issue, how could I re-install manually without deleting my tables and data? -
Accepted Answer
Joseph, the only item that may cause problem here is suhosin but the would never slow down your site. From your sayings and the price of the hosting package, the issue seems to be with the port speed limit assigned to you. Can you ask your hosting company about that? Do you have any other system/CMS hosted there? If so how is the speed there? -
Accepted Answer
Rune Rasmussen wrote:
Wait a minute, I have to find my crystal ball so I can figure out about your hosting and customisations, since you don't tell much ...
Honestly I think the only recommendation would be to hire someone to take a look at your site, if you don't have a friend that you trust to give access. There's no way anyone can figure out of your system, without access to it.
PS! Most likely your hosting, or some of your extensions, sucks - or both.
Well let's run through it in bullets:
- Host: Namecheap Pro Shared Hosting Package
- PHP Version: 5.6
- PHP Modifiers: bcmath, dom, gd, imagick, imap, intl, ioncube_loader, json, mbstring, mcrypt, mysql, mysqli, mysqlnd, pdo, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, phar, posix, soap, sockets, suhosin, tidy, timezonedb, uploadprogress, wddx, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zend_guard_loader, zip
- Arastta Plugins: Charity Donate, Menu Always on Top, Bank Transfer (D), Cash On Delivery, Free Checkout (D), CoinPayments, PayPal Express, Fedex, Flat Rate, Free Shipping, Per Item, Pickup from Store, UPS, United States Postal Service, Weight Based Shipping, Cash on Delivery Fee, Charity (D), Coupon, Gift Voucher, Handling Fee (D), Low Order Fee (D), Rewards Points, Shipping, Store Credit, Sub-Total, Taxes (D), Total
- Appearance, Theme: Clothy
What else do you need, friend? Happy to give you what I can, and even access to the back end because if I just paid you and then nothing got done in public, then no one would know what they need to do. I hope you can agree on this point.
To the betterment of the platform and the betterment of technology.
Joseph - Host: Namecheap Pro Shared Hosting Package
Accepted Answer
Wait a minute, I have to find my crystal ball so I can figure out about your hosting and customisations, since you don't tell much ...
Honestly I think the only recommendation would be to hire someone to take a look at your site, if you don't have a friend that you trust to give access. There's no way anyone can figure out of your system, without access to it.
PS! Most likely your hosting, or some of your extensions, sucks - or both. -
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