We had an Open Cart online shop since 2012. After the update on the newest responsive version in August there were one problem in the backend: the processing status of an order every time switched back on status "wait" after select another option like "delivered" . Thats why we changed from Open Cart 2.0 to Arastta 1.1.
There this backend problem with the processing status not appeared. But now there are other problems: We cannot edit products in the backend. After selecting a product in the list and open the detail view, the title and the description are empty, although in the frontend you can see the titel and description. When we put another text in the fields or want to change the stock an want to save it, appears the error report see below.
From yesterday evening to today morning disappeared 1 of the 4 products, altough nobody had worked with the system. The lost product was not in the backend available and NOT more in the database, too.
I tried to duplicate another article in the backend to recover the lost one. After I edited the duplicated article and wanted to save it, appeared an error report like below, and the new article was lost again.
As a stopgap solution I duplicated and edited the article now in the database to show all 4 products in the frontend, but we urgently need a solution for the backoffice.
Can anyone help me?
-> the error report you see in the attachment
There this backend problem with the processing status not appeared. But now there are other problems: We cannot edit products in the backend. After selecting a product in the list and open the detail view, the title and the description are empty, although in the frontend you can see the titel and description. When we put another text in the fields or want to change the stock an want to save it, appears the error report see below.
From yesterday evening to today morning disappeared 1 of the 4 products, altough nobody had worked with the system. The lost product was not in the backend available and NOT more in the database, too.
I tried to duplicate another article in the backend to recover the lost one. After I edited the duplicated article and wanted to save it, appeared an error report like below, and the new article was lost again.
As a stopgap solution I duplicated and edited the article now in the database to show all 4 products in the frontend, but we urgently need a solution for the backoffice.
Can anyone help me?
-> the error report you see in the attachment
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Responses (3)
Accepted Answer
-> the error report you see in the attachment
It was`nt possible to attach a .txt-file, so here some code lines:
ContextErrorException in product.php line 703: Warning: strpos() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given
in product.php line 703
at ErrorHandler->handleError('2', 'strpos() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given', '/is/htdocs/wp10459800_JU89X2A9IJ/www/shop/admin/controller/catalog/product.php', '703', array
at strpos(array(' Pferdekalender', ' Pferdesport', ' Reitsport'), ',') in product.php line 703
at ControllerCatalogProduct->getForm() in product.php line 143
at ControllerCatalogProduct->edit(array())
at call_user_func(array(object(ControllerCatalogProduct), 'edit'), array()) in action.php line 73
at Action->execute(object(Registry)) in front.php line 42
at Front->execute(object(Action)) in front.php line 37
at Front->dispatch(object(Action), object(Action)) in admin.php line 177
at Admin->dispatch() in index.php line 36 -
Accepted Answer
'error_warning' => 'Erforderliche Daten nicht angegeben - bitte Felder überprüfen.', 'error_permission' => 'Keine Rechte für diese Aktion.', 'error_name' => array('Produktname muss zwischen 3 und 255 Buchstaben lang sein.'), 'error_meta_title' => array(), 'error_model' => '', 'error_seo_url' => array(), 'error_tag' => 'Hinweis: dieser Begriff ist schon vorhanden.', 'error_tag_empty'
=> 'Hinweis: Begriff darf nicht leer sein.', 'text_form' => 'Bearbeiten', 'error_date_available' => ''
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