Just discovered that all currencies are set to value 1.00000000 once in a while, and after this they will not update, but stay as value 1.00000000 until manually fixed before the update will start working again ...
Searching the web tells us that this is yet another issue Mr. Kerr hasn't cared about for years, because it's not a problem for him, he can't replicate etc.
Anyhow, having it sett correctly for a few days, before clearing the site cache might be one way to trigger it to happen. But still unsure here ...
Searching the web tells us that this is yet another issue Mr. Kerr hasn't cared about for years, because it's not a problem for him, he can't replicate etc.

Anyhow, having it sett correctly for a few days, before clearing the site cache might be one way to trigger it to happen. But still unsure here ...
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Responses (4)
Accepted Answer
The ones of Arastta Demo has never been changed and/or updated http://demo.arastta.org/admin/index.php?route=localisation/currency
Can you provide the link of that OC issue?
Regards -
Accepted Answer
See https://www.google.fi/search?q=opencart+currencies+resett -> http://forum.opencart.com/viewtopic.php?t=36333
I wonder, what does it do if it t.ex. doesn't get access to the update server? -
Accepted Answer
Found something that might be related ...
When having a multistore with different URLs and Currencies per store, the default currency for update is set to the store you're login in to, and this surely causes some trouble when the currency update happens ... actually quite scary stuff will happen ...
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