I've been using mylivechat and I placed the chat code in the google analytics section of SEO. It was working perfectly until today. The google analytics section is blank and if I add the code and click save, no text is saved. The chat is not working.

Please help.
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Wednesday, August 03 2016, 12:52 AM
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Accepted Answer

Wednesday, August 03 2016, 10:22 AM - #Permalink
Make it a modification (VQmod/OCmod) instead, adding the code to the header, and it will work perfectly well.
<id><![CDATA[MyLiveChat Display]]></id>
<author><![CDATA[YOUR NAME]]></author>

<file name="catalog/view/theme/*/template/common/header.tpl">
<operation error="log">
<search position="before"><![CDATA[</head>]]></search>
<!-- ClickDesk Live Chat Service for websites -->
<!-- End of MyLiveChat Display -->

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Responses (3)
  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, August 10 2016, 08:50 AM - #Permalink
    So far I haven't had any other issues with live chat. I assume something I did corrupted the database and the live chat disappeared. I'm now in a good habit of backing up the database before I start to make any changes and the entire site if I'm doing modification installs.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, August 04 2016, 12:51 PM - #Permalink
    Might be bad hosting, and/or a corrupted database if the database is being screwed up once in a while.
    Try talking to your host about it.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, August 03 2016, 08:39 PM - #Permalink
    Thanks Rune, I restored the database and the live chat reappeared. I've lost it a couple of time since and have not been able to determine why it keeps happening. That said, if I continue to have issues I'll use the mod you mentioned. It's currently working through the analytics section.
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