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You can install language pack manually: https://arastta.org/docs/user-manual/localisation/languages...
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Dil paketini şu adresten indirip yükleyin: https://translations.arastta.pro Manüel yükleme: https://arastta.org/docs/user-manual/localisation/languages...
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Dil paketini şu adresten indirip yükleyin: https://translations.arastta.pro Manüel yükleme: https://arastta.org/docs/user-manual/localisation/languages...
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Hello, Both are maintained and the marketplace problem has been fixed. You may contribute to Arastta via GitHub https://github.com/arastta/arastta Regards...
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Just renewed the SSL license, will be up within a couple of hours....
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Hello Stefan, You don't have to buy another domain for Arastta Cloud, you can use the current one. Regards...
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Merhaba, Default tema mı aktif sitenizde? Kullanmakta olduğunuz temanın ilgili dosyasında değişiklik yapmanız lazım....
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Removing that will break the popup shown after adding a product to cart. My local and demo work fine for me. Are you able to reproduce it Rune? Can you guys send us your domain/store link so we could see this in action?...
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Re: Second Temasında Menü Genişliği Nasıl Düzenlenir?
Second temasında menü genişliği yeterince var aslında, demek ki sizin gerçekten çok fazla menünüz var. Bu durumda size menü yazı boyutu biraz küçültmenizi tavsiye ederim. Bir başka seçenek genel olarak sitenin genişliği arttırmak olabilir ancak bu...
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Re: How do I remove Social buttons and change "Latest?"
To remove social icons, please navigate to Theme management page from Appearance > Themes > Second. And then delete all the social icon fields and save your theme. To change module title, you can navigate to System > Language Overrides seciton. Th...
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