Arastta Cares Open Source
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Arastta is developed by people who contributed, work with and support most popular Open Source and free to use projects like Joomla and Wordpress. Co-founders of this project organised and sponsored Joomla days and meetings in Istanbul, Melbourne, New England cities. They joined Joomla Days, J&Beyond - international Joomla organisations and WordCamp Europe (international WordPress conference).
So people who founded Arastta have a deep Open Source, contribution and copyright culture. And we are going to share our new decisions and thoughts with you:
We always and clearly stated that Arastta is an OpenCart fork. We never hide it. If you read our introduction and other blog posts, you will encounter with " OpenCart fork" statement everywhere. Of course now Arastta has its own development roadmap. It's been more than 1 month that Arastta released and lots of new and ground-breaking features are already implemented into Arastta that OpenCart doesn't have.
As everybody knows until now OpenCart project doesn't have a copyright statement in its core files. Of course that doesn't mean its developer(s) doesn't have the rights, it's obvious that the developer(s) holds all the rights for its core and codes. But at the date of we forked OpenCart for Arastta, its licence was GPL, thus how we forked it. It's all up to its developer(s) to change OpenCart's licence in the future and this is their right.
We put importance on Open Source and GPL culture. After having discussions between co-founders and other valuable contributers/supporters we decided to put a copyright file in Arastta project which is not as a favour from Arastta but as a right and thanks for all contributors. In this file we will do our best to mention about all (previous, current, next) people/projects who contributed the Arastta project in a good manner and for the profit of the project. So starting from today (v1.0.7) all credits are mentioned in Arastta's CREDITS.txt file for the sake of Open Source and goodwill.