
Our company has just recently invested heavily in MijoShop web shops with deep integration with FileMaker and in office database use.

1. What will happen to MijoShop?

2. Will we be able to transition easily to Arastta in December 2015 or January 2016 from our MijoShop installation?

3. Will Arastta fix the issue that makes it impossible to manage very many Option Attributes for a product?

4. Will Arastta arrange for a better solution to run many shops based on the same product portfolio?

Best Regards
Johan Niklasson
In General
Thursday, May 21 2015, 07:26 AM
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, May 21 2015, 10:40 AM - #Permalink
    Hi Johan,

    First of all, while we're the creators of MijoShop, I don't prefer mixing it here with Arastta as it's a totally different platform, a community not company software. However, I'm going to answer your questions once for all:

    1) Nothing, it will continue as always.

    2) Maybe, it depends on a couple of parameters such as user requests, migration possibility etc. But for now, we don't have such an attempt.

    3) That shouldn't depend on MijoShop and/or Arastta but server limits.

    4) I suppose you're talking about multi-store feature which already runs fine.

    I have to mark this topic as resolved but feel free to PM me or create a ticket on MijoShop site for any further question.

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