I have been suggested to upgrade my php version but not sure what the highest version arrasta will use without breaking something since there have been no more updates.
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Papy Christian wrote:
Personally my site runs in php 7.0 and I have no problem.
From what I've seen you had several problems with your site needing tweaking, without going into all the details and reasons for it.
Anyhow as mentioned, it might run mostly fine on PHP 7.0/7.1, with some hiccups to be expected here and there, and I doubt you have tested everything 100 percent.
And even so, PHP 7.0 is unsupported by PHP itself since January this year. Meaning no more official security updates for it, and you should be running PHP 7.1 now, but even 7.1 will be unsupported from December: https://www.php.net/supported-versions.php
That being said, even PHP 5.6 MIGHT still be secure, if it has been patched by the OS, or secured in other ways.
Regarding the no problem statement, there is several known old issues: https://github.com/arastta/arastta/issues
Even more who have been fixed, but never released: https://github.com/arastta/arastta/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed+milestone%3A1.7.0 -
Accepted Answer
Papy Christian wrote:
Passer à autre chose!!! Moi je n'ai aucun problème avec Arastta, le script fonctionne à merveille, j'en suis entièrement satisfait.
To move on!!! I have no problem with Arastta, the script works perfectly, I am completely satisfied.
Not sure where you think it's perfect. There are very many bugs that have been reported and never fixed. As far as I can tell, whoever started Arastta doesn't have the knowledge to fix the problems. And with php 5.6 no longer having security updates, your website is just open to hackers to trash. Been there twice with older php versions and older software. It will put you completely out of business if you don't stay up to date with everything. -
Accepted Answer
Passer à autre chose!!! Moi je n'ai aucun problème avec Arastta, le script fonctionne à merveille, j'en suis entièrement satisfait.
To move on!!! I have no problem with Arastta, the script works perfectly, I am completely satisfied.
https://chrislye.fr -
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