I just tried upgrading from 1.3.4 to 1.3.5 and the upgrade has failed - please try again. I would download the error log and post however I get an error saying duplicate headers. On of the error messages says:
2016-08-04 21:33:31 - PHP Notice: Undefined variable: options_to_list_status in /home/digitadr/public_html_system_modification/catalog/view/theme/default/template/common/footer.tpl on line 130
2016-08-04 21:33:31 - PHP Notice: Undefined variable: options_to_list_status in /home/digitadr/public_html_system_modification/catalog/view/theme/default/template/common/footer.tpl on line 130
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Responses (37)
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Rune, sorry if I wrote your name wrong. I never being root to nobody.But anyhow the issue is solved. I don't know how.
Kind regards
Hermann -
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Hermann Martinez wrote:If this could be a cPanel issue than I'm not alone with it. Would be nice I get an solution if it is so.
Sure there is a lot of badly configured servers out there, hosts blindly updating etc.
The fact that you have to delete files to get them updated tells us something, but what ... maybe the server admin could debug it.
Anyhow, I'm also interested in figuring out more easily what's going wrong on those servers. Thus I posted this some days ago: https://github.com/arastta/arastta/issues/519
Let's hope the core devs, or anyone else, finds a way to do this. Feel free to contribute if you have the needed coding skills. -
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Hi Rune,
I've changed the file permission but no difference. Message: Update process has been completed successfully. The update has not proceed. Still same version.
The php.ini is OK. If this could be a cPanel issue than I'm not alone with it. Would be nice I get an solution if it is so.
Kind regards
Hermann -
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If you delete the version file, I'm sure that will be written too (and everything would look fine). The problem is most likely your file rights not allowing the update to overwrite the existing ones.
The files is obviously downloaded, end tried extracted, as you self describe with the htaccess.txt, so it's not Arastta server. That was quite different, and if I don't recall wrong, there has been several issues with your server in the past. -
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Hi Rune,
I've mentioned the htaccess.txt and robots.txt files to let you know the update is doing something. When I mentioned the database, I guess the version information's must be somewhere. I do not getting any error in the log files like Daniel.
Further after doing the update I'm getting the message the update was successful. On the top of the header stays still the available update.
So fare I remember that we've this in the past and it was an issue at the Arastta server.
Kind regards
Hermann -
Accepted Answer
Sorry, but I found no obvious issues in your php.ini Daniel.
Herman, when you delete a file you also deletes the set restrictions/rights on it. Thus it can be recreated/re-uploaded.
robots.txt it's fixed by Denis for 1.4: https://github.com/arastta/arastta/commit/036acd6c698ac1b222de393f9f0be94fd8e74f6d
There is no database updates in this release (version is set in a file btw), almost non changes at all, as you can see if you do a diff of 1.3.4 vs 1.3.5 files system - or browse the changes on GitHub: https://github.com/arastta/arastta/compare/1.3.4...master
Question; why this update do not function if any update before was OK?
The real question: What was changed on the server in between. If you use cPanel etc., there has been several changes during the summer, I'm quite sure of.
I hardly see anything in the file changes of Arastta 1.3.5 that could cause any trouble, but haven't looked at 1.3.4 if there was anything there. -
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I do have the same problem. I guess the database in not updated after the update, because if you delete the file "htaccess.txt" before the update he will be there after the update. Further the file "robots.txt" will be overwritten which is annoying. Before each update you've to save the file and put him back onto the server.
Question; why this update do not function if any update before was OK?
Kind regards
Hermann -
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Daniel, in most cases, update fails due to strict file/folder permission settings of hosting/server. You can download the installation package and upload the files manually as there is no database change in 1.3.5 version. Don't upload the install folder. -
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The "errors" in log is just notifications, not show stoppers, and they are not related to the update ...
Is Suhosin and/or ModSecurity active on the server? They often have own limits, overriding those in php.ini, which only server admin normally can change.
Maybe you could add a file in the root displaying the full php info? Just give the file a random name ending in .php and PM the link to me, easier to get the full picture then.
Add into the file:
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