The shipping is not working it gives random results? On Royal mail, Parcel force, not tested the others you need an account, but if the others don't work i don't want to go through all of that especially, as i will not use the service?
You can't do 2nd class recorded, international shipping, even when changing the weight and amount. Please can someone do a test on there own environment and see what results they get.
Now it even says it is installed in the market place and when you check the extensions it is not showing i have cleared the cache???
You can't do 2nd class recorded, international shipping, even when changing the weight and amount. Please can someone do a test on there own environment and see what results they get.
Now it even says it is installed in the market place and when you check the extensions it is not showing i have cleared the cache???
In Extensions
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Responses (17)
Accepted Answer
I uninstalled it then reinstalled a few times because it was not working that why it says it installed when it's not showing... something that still needs looking at? The first time will work and seem like there are no problems but the whole thing needs to be studied and scanned for errors. Saying that you don't get any error messages, it just don't work so you have some php communication code missing, like you have copied and pasted the script, but didn't configure for the software. -
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Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
It is also not calculating the price according to the weight on parcel force??, so it doesn't matter if you have 1 or 10 it gives you the same price. Please can this be looked at as there is not point in using this CMS if that don't work as that is the whole point, and a lot of time was spend working with this CMS.
Please can you suggest a shipping setup that works????????????? -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Please install, then enable
1. International signed
2. 2nd class recorded
3.1st class recorded
None of them show up, neither in the estimate or when making a purchase? even after changing to the correct price and format... etc.. .1:2.9,
Which means 0.1 whatever the weight your working with equals to 2.90, whatever the currency. -
Accepted Answer
Bobby, could you please try to explain clearly in details what your exact issues is with the shipping module?
What is the expected behaviour and output in some given test cases? Tell us your setup so it can be tested.
I have read trough all your postings here, but I'm struggling to understand the issue, and how to test it according to your requirements. -
Accepted Answer
I have explained??? it cannot be any clearer??
please install Royal mail shipping extension, yourself and then try and enable
1. International signed
2. 2nd class recorded
3.1st class recorded
enable the options, they do not show up when making a purchase, even when you change to the correct weight, and price formula -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
The format of the weight to cost in the admin area is: weight:cost,weight:cost,weight:cost
For example if you want to setup the following:
Cart weight 10lbs or less cost $10
Cart weight 11-20lbs cost $15
Cart weight 21-40lbs cost $20
Cart weight more than 40lbs cost $30
You would use the following rates:
The last one is important because it sets an virtually infinite ceiling. If you didn't have that 9999999 rate, then anything over 40lbs would have no available rate and would not show.
You should also make sure you've set up correctly the Geo Zones of the shipping method and so on the customer's you're trying the purchase.
PS: Arastta is a totally FREE shopping cart so we ALL here volunteer our time for FREE. The more descriptive the less time wasted. -
Accepted Answer
Thank you for your detailed message.
I have started to use the weight based shipping, but this is going to take forever not knowing every weight and cost of shipping for the actual package.
I know the price for second class recorded for the items we sell, but when you try and setup it up like i am doing on the weight based shipping, nothing shows.
I will keep trying but i am also 100% sure it is not working please can you send me a screen shot of it working?
Thanks again for your help -
Accepted Answer
Maybe you could and should take, and show us, the screen shots of your setup please?
I get a feeling you haven't filled the needed fields, and/or published each of the options.
Like those found on the listing on Marketplace -
PS! Please do not send private messages to me or other users, demanding help and fix, unless you're invited to do so. If you need personal services, consider contacting a consultant and pay for the help. People helping in the forum is doing it voluntary for free as time permits ... -
Accepted Answer
Hello everyone
The problem is NOT the knowledge of how the formula works, it is just not working full stop.. and i think you want your FREE Time to credit for something at the end of it, so not sure where, this whole doing it out of the kindness of my heart is coming from??... i am looking for the person who added the royal mail extension. Not advice on how to set it up.
You are very helpful but i think it is important that all aspects of this community software are working before it went pubic And if it is open source then detailed information need to be stated saying some thing might not work., but all in all you guys have done a awesome job.
I need someone to test it and not assume i do not know what i am doing... that is why i have said many time please install and test yourself to see if you get the same result... surly the community part of this is what the forum is about... You want people to use this software come across problems with it and help to resolve so it becomes the best software made, which was developed by the community, i am not understanding the "volunteer our time for FREE" keeps coming from?
This is part of what a forum is about i thought?
Thanks for your help.. -
Accepted Answer
To test and see if we get same result as you, we need to know your setup - it's that simple.
If you can't tell us this, I don't believe anyone will be able to solve it for you, without access to your system.
Not advice on how to set it up.
Then I surely don't understand this thread or your issue at all. Sorry!
Thanks for all your kind words ... -
Accepted Answer
You can test the changes / files from this pull request, it should fix some issues for you I guess:
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