
after updating to version 1.2.1 the product links and google sitemaps links was identical. We've become 1.400 indexed pages.
The indexed pages be cut down to 28 now and I've checked why.

For example the link which is in the sitemap looks like and gives a 404 error:

because real the link from the product is:

In "Edit Products" the SEO link is empty and should be generated by the product name like the sitemap link.

Kind regards

Sunday, December 27 2015, 04:17 PM
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Accepted Answer

Monday, December 28 2015, 12:31 AM - #Permalink
That happens when the SEO URL is empty and the 1.2.1 update doesn't include any change about that. Please, make sure that the xyz_url_alias table is not empty.
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