When a customer places an order with a Paypal payment, payment is made but the order is not created and no mail is sent. Neither the client nor me.
What is the solution?
When a customer places an order with a Paypal payment, payment is made but the order is not created and no mail is sent. Neither the client nor me.
What is the solution?
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Responses (8)
Accepted Answer
You need to add much more information about this, there is severall PayPal solutions.
Add serverinfo, error messages, detailed description etc. etc.
And also, again, please read the forum rules carefully, and then follow them:
Post your comment/question to the most appropriate place. Any posts deemed to be in the wrong forum will be moved. Do not cross-post the same question to multiple places.
Ref https://arastta.org/forum/pas-de-commande-après-paiement-paypal-1 -
Accepted Answer
I hoped to find an effective help on this forum, result I am referred to rules in English so for me a little French who had opted for your script is too much. I change my script and go on to another franchouard script where I really found conviviality and competence. I will not make you an affront to name him
ByBy Arastta -
Accepted Answer
As you struggle with English it's indeed a better option to use a French system with French documentation and support, it must surely be problematic to read the documentation in English when the forum rules is. Also being able to receive effective help requires being able to read the documentation, and not to mention, provide detailed and valid info about the issues and systems for those who is available to help.
Wish you best of luck with the chosen system. -
Accepted Answer
Salut Christian,
Nous ne savons pas pourquoi une commande n'est pas créée pour votre configuration d'Arastta.
Vous devrez déboguer le processus de paiement.
En ce qui concerne les courriels qui ne sont pas envoyés, ce qui est le problème le plus commun, il y a quelques vieux articles qui peuvent aider.
Il peut être utile d'essayer de compléter "Opencart 2.x" dans vos recherches de solutions et de transposer les réponses au code Arastta.
J'espère que ça vous aidera.
P.S. Il n'y a pas de modérateurs sur ce forum seulement des utilisateurs. En d'autres termes, faites ce que vous pensez être adapté à vos besoins. Il y a beaucoup de postes turcs pour des raisons évidentes dues aux origines d'Arastta aussi.
Hi Christian,
We do not know why an order is not created for your Arastta configuration.
You will need to debug the payment process.
With regard to emails that are not sent, which is the most common problem, there are a few old articles that can help.
It may be useful to try to complete "Opencart 2.x" in your solution research and transpose the answers to the Arastta code.
I hope it will help you.
P.S. There are no moderators on this forum only users. In other words, do what you think is right for you. There are many Turkish posts for obvious reasons due to Arastta's origins as well. -
Accepted Answer
Turkish posts should be in the Turkish forum, same as French should be in the French forum. And no, anarchy doesn't work even if you seems to believe that Hackasacka.
Anyway Christian has already changed his system to a French one, which was a clever solution based on the fact that he's not able to read the English documentation etc., so your posting now ads nothing of value, and it's wrong anyway.
Wish you both best of luck. -
Accepted Answer
Hi Rune,
It's not really for you to answer on behalf of Christian or to moderate a forum that has nothing to do with you?
Not sure what you define as anarchy, but our opinion is that a post made in another language hardly denotes "anarchy". After all we are only talking about communication here?
If you don't like a post perhaps simply ignore it, unless you wish to contribute something positive to help resolve the problem and help.
However, we agree that making posts in a format that is understandable would help and English does make sense if you want to save time and effort.
Perhaps using a translator although not perfect would help too.
Generally, as many applications and coding languages use American English, it helps to understand at least the syntax.
These are just opinions which are always different for people and no one is ever right.
We will see if the posting has any value or not as that is not determined by you and you are not the intended recipient.
Hope you are well.
Kind regards,
Hackasacka -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Salut Christian,
Juste une réflexion après coup, mais peut-être que le processus de paiement n'est pas terminé simplement parce que Paypal n'a pas de poignée de main à l'Arastta.
Ce serait donc l'équivalent d'un chariot abandonné sans l'exécution de la commande.
Les emails ne sont donc pas envoyés et les commandes ne sont pas passées, bien que vous ayez un paiement Paypal.
Nous pensons que cela est dû à la configuration de votre hébergement basé sur le "Cloud" (comme avant) qui cause un problème avec ce handshaking car il ne peut pas se connecter directement avec une adresse IP.
Cherchez une solution de contournement dans le fichier.htaccess.
P.S. Peut-être la mise à niveau vers un meilleur hébergement car le temps de résoudre les problèmes supplémentaires ne vaut pas la peine d'économiser sur le coût fixe.
Hi Christian,
Just an after thought, but possibly the checkout process is not completed simply because Paypal does not handshake back to the Arastta.
This would therefor be equivalent to an abandoned cart without the completion of the order.
Emails are therefor not sent and orders are not placed, although you will have a Paypal payment.
We suspect this is due to the configuration of your "Cloud" based hosting (like before) causing an issue with this handshaking as it cannot connect directly with an ip address.
Look for a work around for this in the .htaccess file.
P.S. Perhaps upgrade to better hosting as the time to solve the extra issues isn't worth the saving to the fixed cost.
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