Although it is possible to choose different billing and shipping address, if the customers orders second time they are getting the following error in a dialog box - I deleted the head entry as it is css styling for the warning dialog box but that seems to fail as well. This is from my localhost but I have two sites with the same problem. I have seen similar post from January 2016 with no solution offered. Any help or pointers will be greatly appreciated.
Internal Server Error
Internal Server Error
Internal Server Error
Internal Server Error
Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
ContextErrorException in address.php line 178:
- in address.php line 178 [/b]
- at ErrorHandler->handleError('8', 'Undefined variable: json_payment', '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/miromart/catalog/controller/checkout/address.php', '178', array('json' => array(), 'products' => array('YToxOntzOjEwOiJwcm9kdWN0X2lkIjtpOjYyO30=' => array('key' => 'YToxOntzOjEwOiJwcm9kdWN0X2lkIjtpOjYyO30=', 'product_id' => '62', 'name' => 'Sinombré Vol II: Broken Angels CD Pre-order', 'model' => 'PLEDGE_06', 'shipping' => '1', 'image' => 'catalog/cd_BROKEN_shop.jpg', 'option' => array(), 'download' => array(), 'quantity' => '1', 'minimum' => '1', 'subtract' => '1', 'stock' => true, 'preorder' => false, 'price' => '10', 'total' => '10', 'reward' => '0', 'points' => '0', 'tax_class_id' => '0', 'weight' => '0', 'weight_class_id' => '1', 'length' => '0.00000000', 'width' => '0.00000000', 'height' => '0.00000000', 'length_class_id' => '1', 'recurring' => false), 'YToxOntzOjEwOiJwcm9kdWN0X2lkIjtpOjUzO30=' => array('key' => 'YToxOntzOjEwOiJwcm9kdWN0X2lkIjtpOjUzO30=', 'product_id' => '53', 'name' => 'SINOMBRÉ – ALL HOPE IS GONE', 'model' => 'CD 11000', 'shipping' => '1', 'image' => 'catalog/all_hope_is_gone.jpg', 'option' => array(), 'download' => array(), 'quantity' => '1', 'minimum' => '1', 'subtract' => '1', 'stock' => true, 'preorder' => false, 'price' => '9.99', 'total' => '9.99', 'reward' => '0', 'points' => '0', 'tax_class_id' => '0', 'weight' => '1', 'weight_class_id' => '1', 'length' => '0.00000000', 'width' => '0.00000000', 'height' => '0.00000000', 'length_class_id' => '1', 'recurring' => false)), 'product' => array('key' => 'YToxOntzOjEwOiJwcm9kdWN0X2lkIjtpOjUzO30=', 'product_id' => '53', 'name' => 'SINOMBRÉ – ALL HOPE IS GONE', 'model' => 'CD 11000', 'shipping' => '1', 'image' => 'catalog/all_hope_is_gone.jpg', 'option' => array(), 'download' => array(), 'quantity' => '1', 'minimum' => '1', 'subtract' => '1', 'stock' => true, 'preorder' => false, 'price' => '9.99', 'total' => '9.99', 'reward' => '0', 'points' => '0', 'tax_class_id' => '0', 'weight' => '1', 'weight_class_id' => '1', 'length' => '0.00000000', 'width' => '0.00000000', 'height' => '0.00000000', 'length_class_id' => '1', 'recurring' => false))) in address.php line 178
- at ControllerCheckoutAddress->save(array()) in action.php line 74
- at Action->execute(object(Registry)) in front.php line 43
- at Front->execute(object(Action)) in front.php line 38
- at Front->dispatch(object(Action), object(Action)) in catalog.php line 235
- at Catalog->dispatch() in index.php line 33
In General
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Accepted Answer
You forgot to add your system info ... and the link to the other post ...
Arastta version, activated shipping and payment extensions, other extensions installed. Server environment etc etc.
Have never seen this issue.
Btw! Unless you're debugging, error display should be off. Rather log to file, and get better reports.
Arastta version, activated shipping and payment extensions, other extensions installed. Server environment etc etc.
Have never seen this issue.
Btw! Unless you're debugging, error display should be off. Rather log to file, and get better reports.
Responses (6)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
You have quite a few mods installed/added. Can you confirm the issue on a clean install with no mods?
Haluk Gurer wrote:
Error/Debug is not switched on
If it really was oft, there shouldn't be displayed anything. Recheck this please, most likely you have it set to Advanced, which is a no no on a live store. Also the issue most likely would be no issue if it's set to off, as it's cause by a simple notification, not a real error.
Look at your settings, server tab:
Display Errors: Whether to display the PHP errors, warnings and notices produced by your store. This should be set to "No" for a live store.
If it's already set to off, you have a override on your server, forcing display of notifications, that you would need to remove. -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Your diagnosis is/was spot on. Sorry, I deleted the second post entry as I didn't wanted to waste your time reading it - but seems you manage to read some of it.
I have seen some posts form two years ago and somebody mentioned the switching off the error display but nobody marked the post as resolved or accepted as an answer. Again thank you. -
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