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Arastta 1.2.1 Released

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Arastta 1.2.1 is now available. This is a security release for all series of Arastta which addresses 1 important level, 1 medium level and 2 low level security vulnerabilities. We strongly recommend that you update your stores.

Security Issues Fixed

  • Important Priority - XSS Attack
  • Medium Priority - SQL Injection
  • Low Priority - XSS Attack
  • Low Priority - XSS Attack

Most of these issues comes from the precursor of Arastta. Here you can find the full changelog.

How to update?

You can update your online store within 1 click from the Update Center.

A Huge Thank You!

We would like to thank the staff behind Netsparker company, especially Onur, for allowing us to scan Arastta with their Web Application Security Scanner and their help in configuration.


PS: A company called Curesec has disclosed some of these vulnerabilites claiming that they had informed us. That is totally false, none has contacted us. We don't even have a contact form here, everything goes through open channels.

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Guest Saturday, 27 July 2024