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Getting Started: Security Increased

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Customer information, business data and payment details are all highly sensitive, confidential commodities that are traded or shared as part of an e-commerce transaction. The press often reports on businesses that have fallen victim to hacking and data breaches, due to insufficient security measures, leading to legal and financial liability, as well as a negative impact on the company's reputation.

For this reason, Arastta aims to offer the best protection practices around the web including encryption keys, notification emails, secure admin paths, firewall and a lot more.

Admin Panel

The admin side is the most attacked and compromised part of any kind of CMS, not only eCommerce. Therefore, within Arastta, we've implemented crucial protection methods. One of them is the custom URL key so that without entering it, the admin panel can't be accessed in any way. Another protection is the email warning whenever someone logins the admin panel so you can be notified if someone enters beyond your knowledge.


Stay protected through SQLi, XSS, RFI and LFI attacks. Why risk your reputation when you can increase the security level with a few simple clicks ? Arastta offers the protection you need in this area. You can also enable/disable the parts you want to be checked by the firewall. Also, unlike with OpenCart, during the installation process, the database prefix is being generated randomly which makes hard for a hacker to try an SQL Injection attack.

SSL and reCaptcha

Unlike OpenCart, Arastta offers you to select the way you want to implement SSL on your site. You can choose whether to apply SSL just to the checkout or front store or the whole site. Arastta also includes clean Google reCaptcha No Captcha support.

No more 777

Thanks to the Filesystem component of Symfony used by Arastta, your store is safe against the 777 file/folder permission attacks that occurs with OpenCart. There is a good article about 777: The number of the beast.

 Ready to go? Here you have it, for FREE..

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Guest Tuesday, 22 October 2024