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Getting Started: Other Features

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Arastta ships with a lot of new features but we were not able to write a separate blog post for each of them. Here you can find a couple of the features not mentioned in other posts.

Flat Design

Arastta comes with an improved front-end template by default. We did our best to make it flat design without breaking the compatibility with OpenCart extensions.

Admin Interface

The admin interface has been revamped in order to fit with modern standards. The toolbar includes an amazing Ajax Search that search between products, categories, manufacturers, customers, orders etc. and allows you to go to the respective edit page instantly.

Sales Analytics

We've paid extra close attention to the dashboard and redesigned it completely by adding real-time analytics. As an online merchant, you can get daily, monthly, yearly data and filter by custom periods.

File Manager

Forget your FTP details. Thanks to its File Manager, Arastta allows you to manage every file/folder about your store withing one-click away.

Export / Import

Arastta ships with an easy to use Excel file export / import tool so you could easily export or import your products, categories or manufacturers.

Email Templates

Thanks to this feature, you can customize as you wish the content of the mails sent. It's fully multi-language and there are predefined tags to replace dynamic variables such as customer name, order id etc.

Mail Delivered

The most problematic part of OpenCart was delivering emails. Thanks to its ancient email script, OpenCart failed in sending emails from time to time. Arastta comes with a modern and trusted email software, Swift Mailer, a software used by hundreds of standalone products out there. Now you can sleep soundly, your emails will be delivered.

Technology Upgraded

Arastta is built with well-tested and reliable Open Source frameworks like Symfony components, Joomla Framework, Swift Mailer and many more and manages dependencies with Composer.

Event System

The event system in Arastta offers a flexible method for extensions/themes to communicate with others by following the Observer pattern. This is a very important step as it means the end of hacking files via vQmod/ocMod, just like with Joomla and WordPress. It's very easy to register events as all the dispatching is handled by Arastta, check out the details.

 Feel free to try now, it's FREE..

Denis Duliçi has not set their biography yet


  • Luis
    Luis Wednesday, 20 May 2015


    Interesting congratulations; and I ask:

    I can use extensions of 3 parts?

    as well as e-commerce I rent real estate and luxury cars; I can insert extensions for this kind of work?

    What are the restrictions? was not able to come in for see which are

    It's free for how long?

    the template uses bootstrap?

    congratulations again greetings luis

  • Denis Duliçi
    Denis Duliçi Friday, 22 May 2015

    Hi Luis,

    Yes, for the extension and Bootstrap questions.

    There is no restriction and Arastta is free for lifetime.


  • Denis Duliçi
    Denis Duliçi Thursday, 21 May 2015


    If I understand it, he does not work in joomla; Arastta is a platform on its Behalf; I know it is?

    Thanks Luis

  • Enes Ertuğrul
    Enes Ertuğrul Friday, 22 May 2015

    Yes Arastta is a standalone (behalf) platform, it's not an extension for Joomla.


  • Denis Duliçi
    Denis Duliçi Friday, 22 May 2015

    Yes, it's not about Joomla. Arastta is a standalone eCommerce solution.

  • Denis Duliçi
    Denis Duliçi Tuesday, 01 March 2016

    Will it have compatibility with Salesforce?

  • Enes Ertuğrul
    Enes Ertuğrul Wednesday, 02 March 2016

    You can use one of OpenCart's extension for this integration:

    But it's better to contact with its developer before purchasing it for Arastta compatibility.

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Guest Friday, 07 March 2025