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Getting Started: Menu Manager

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Menus are very important for a website no matter what platform you are using. All big boys like Joomla, WordPress, Drupal etc. has a menu manager in order let you customize it. However, system like OpenCart are lacking in such areas. I believe you already wanted to modify your top header menu bar and add some links or some kind of advertising links for your buyers. In such a case, the only solution is to get your hands dirty and dive into the code.

With Arastta, you should just go to the Appearance > Menus and create or edit menu items with just drag & drop.

Custom Links

Thanks to its extendability, you can create menu items for your products, categories, manufacturers, informations or even custom links with ease. After creating, just drag & drop and Arastta will automatically save the menu item position. You can also change depth of menu items by just dragging them in or out.

Multi-Language and Multi-Store

You can set different text to menu items for each store and assign them to different & multiple stores.


The menu item creating, saving, moving, deleting etc process is all Ajaxified so users don't need to navigate from one web form to another.

 Feel free to try now, it's FREE..

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Guest Thursday, 13 March 2025