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    how product stored when added to cart

    Hello i am creating mobile app for arastta but not able to understand how to store added product in customer table a:3:{s:96:"YToyOntzOjEwOiJwcm9kdWN0X2lkIjtpOjQ3O3M6Njoib3B0aW9uIjthOjE6e2k6MjI1O3M6MTA6IjIwMTUtMDUtMTgiO319";i:1; s:40:"YToxOnt...

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    i am creating mobile app for arastta but not able to understand how product name and quantity stored in cart field in customer table
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    i want to build mobile app any like minded here
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    Jitendra Dadhaniya unlocked the badge Newbie
    Congrats on registering on the site!
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    Jitendra Dadhaniya just registered on the site
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