Rune Rasmussen commented at : 2017-02-01 15:07:15
I started looking at it, admin done, catalog todo.
Feel free to take over or join in if you have good solutions for catalog parts, not breaking backward compatibility to much: https://github.com/norskarastta/arastta/tree/voucher_expiry
Normal seems to be 12 months in Ireland (EU), most less than 5 years: http://www.consumerhelp.ie/voucher-expiry
Amazon UK has 10 years: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=200272910
Normal for Norway and other Scandinavian countries is 6-12 months. For Norway, if no expiry day is set, it's valid for 3 years according to law ...
So expiry date is something the stores needs to be able to set (possibly per delivery country?).
Ref: https://github.com/arastta/arastta/issues/196