
Hackasacka commented at : 2017-09-24 20:01:08
Hi Leo,
Do you have a lot of content you still need to manage with Joomla? You can install Arastta into a folder or sub-directory alongside Joomla too.
Joomla or Arastta can then be designed to look similar in design. If both use Bootstrap you may only need to apply a few styles in CSS to get the desired effect.
We certainly think that running too much code unnecessarily will slow the response of your web site generally, so if you can compromise having two systems your performance will no doubt improve too.
Arastta has a very easy to use page layout system that may help with the design.
If you have some programming knowledge then try Processwire as a CMS. There is a lot less plug and play compared to Joomla or Wordpress, but the framework is extremely flexible and fast. Their API removes the need to use anything more than a PHP "foreach" and possibly an "if" statement.
People really love the sparse, but powerful interface whereby they only see what they need in a simple tree structure.
Also, if you can use a hosting service with fast CPU's and plenty of spare memory you may get a better overall service.

Hackasacka commented at : 2017-09-24 20:01:21
Hi Leo,
Do you have a lot of content you still need to manage with Joomla? You can install Arastta into a folder or sub-directory alongside Joomla too.
Joomla or Arastta can then be designed to look similar in design. If both use Bootstrap you may only need to apply a few styles in CSS to get the desired effect.
We certainly think that running too much code unnecessarily will slow the response of your web site generally, so if you can compromise having two systems your performance will no doubt improve too.
Arastta has a very easy to use page layout system that may help with the design.
If you have some programming knowledge then try Processwire as a CMS. There is a lot less plug and play compared to Joomla or Wordpress, but the framework is extremely flexible and fast. Their API removes the need to use anything more than a PHP "foreach" and possibly an "if" statement.
People really love the sparse, but powerful interface whereby they only see what they need in a simple tree structure.
Also, if you can use a hosting service with fast CPU's and plenty of spare memory you may get a better overall service.

Hackasacka commented at : 2017-09-24 20:01:23
Hi Leo,
Do you have a lot of content you still need to manage with Joomla? You can install Arastta into a folder or sub-directory alongside Joomla too.
Joomla or Arastta can then be designed to look similar in design. If both use Bootstrap you may only need to apply a few styles in CSS to get the desired effect.
We certainly think that running too much code unnecessarily will slow the response of your web site generally, so if you can compromise having two systems your performance will no doubt improve too.
Arastta has a very easy to use page layout system that may help with the design.
If you have some programming knowledge then try Processwire as a CMS. There is a lot less plug and play compared to Joomla or Wordpress, but the framework is extremely flexible and fast. Their API removes the need to use anything more than a PHP "foreach" and possibly an "if" statement.
People really love the sparse, but powerful interface whereby they only see what they need in a simple tree structure.
Also, if you can use a hosting service with fast CPU's and plenty of spare memory you may get a better overall service.

Hackasacka commented at : 2017-09-24 20:01:32
Hi Leo,
Do you have a lot of content you still need to manage with Joomla? You can install Arastta into a folder or sub-directory alongside Joomla too.
Joomla or Arastta can then be designed to look similar in design. If both use Bootstrap you may only need to apply a few styles in CSS to get the desired effect.
We certainly think that running too much code unnecessarily will slow the response of your web site generally, so if you can compromise having two systems your performance will no doubt improve too.
Arastta has a very easy to use page layout system that may help with the design.
If you have some programming knowledge then try Processwire as a CMS. There is a lot less plug and play compared to Joomla or Wordpress, but the framework is extremely flexible and fast. Their API removes the need to use anything more than a PHP "foreach" and possibly an "if" statement.
People really love the sparse, but powerful interface whereby they only see what they need in a simple tree structure.
Also, if you can use a hosting service with fast CPU's and plenty of spare memory you may get a better overall service.

Hackasacka commented at : 2017-09-24 20:08:40
Sorry about several replies, we didn't know the "send" had responded as there was no feedback from the form to confirm.
Hackasacka commented at : 2017-09-24 20:00:53
Hi Leo,
Do you have a lot of content you still need to manage with Joomla? You can install Arastta into a folder or sub-directory alongside Joomla too.
Joomla or Arastta can then be designed to look similar in design. If both use Bootstrap you may only need to apply a few styles in CSS to get the desired effect.
We certainly think that running too much code unnecessarily will slow the response of your web site generally, so if you can compromise having two systems your performance will no doubt improve too.
Arastta has a very easy to use page layout system that may help with the design.
If you have some programming knowledge then try Processwire as a CMS. There is a lot less plug and play compared to Joomla or Wordpress, but the framework is extremely flexible and fast. Their API removes the need to use anything more than a PHP "foreach" and possibly an "if" statement.
People really love the sparse, but powerful interface whereby they only see what they need in a simple tree structure.
Also, if you can use a hosting service with fast CPU's and plenty of spare memory you may get a better overall service.